
| Purpose of the Roundtable |

■ Foster the mutual understanding between government officials from developing countries

Make the best use of peer learning by discussing with officials in various fields

Learn about each country's policies or situation from the presenter, and have a Q&A session with the floor to understand problems and obtain insight under the guidance of a Chair&Discussant professor

 |DATE |

 | Presenter & Theme |

 |DATE |

 | Presenter & Theme |

2024.3.19 ~ 2024.6.4

2023.9.20. ~ 2023.11.22.

2024.3.19 ~ 2024.6.4

2023.9.20. ~ 2023.11.22.

2023.3.21 ~ 2023.5.30

2022.9.21. ~ 2022.11.29.

2022.3.25. ~ 2022.6.3.

2021.3.29. ~ 2021.5.31.

2021.9.15. ~ 2021.11.17.