Master's Curriculum 


The Master's Degree Program in Public Management and Administrative Reform consists of three regular curriculum modules and various extracurricular activities modules. 

○ <Theories of Global Public Administration> and <Theories of Global Public Policies> will serve as the foundational                                    understanding of public management and administrative reform.

○ <Social Research Methods of Public Administration> and <Statistical Analysis of Public Administration> will be offered to ensure     an unbiased and error-free understanding and utilization of public sector statistics and data. Additionally, for students with               limited knowledge of statistics, <Basic Statistics> will be offered during a preparatory semester to facilitate sequential learning.

○ The advanced study program in core public management and government innovation and administrative reform in the digital            transformation era comprises two sets of modules, each consisting of four modules. Students will deepen their understanding of     both theories and techniques through these module-based studies.

○ The "Core Public Management Competency Set Module," one of the two aggregate modules, comprises four individual modules        (Modules 2 to 5): "Organization and Personnel Management," "Finance and Public Economy," "Local Government and                          Community," and "Public Policy and Development."

○ The other aggregate module, "Government Innovation and Administrative Reform Competency Set Module for the Era of Digital      Transformation," consists of four modules (Modules 6 to 9): "Digital & AI Literacy," "Public Data Analytics," "Evidence-Based        Administration and Policy," and "Problem-Solving-Focused Administration and Policy Innovation."

○ The specialized major courses, "Core Public Management Competency Set Module" and "Government Innovation and                            Administrative Reform Competency Set Module for the Era of Digital Transformation," are supplemented by lectures and weekly     roundtable discussions involving case presentations and debates on administrative reform. Additionally, they are enhanced by          practical, case-centric special lectures conducted in an omnibus format by faculty from GSPA and external experts, aimed at               enhancing problem-solving abilities in each specialized field.


1. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are available in other graduate schools. Up to 12 credits earned from different                           graduate schools can be included in the 33 credits required for graduation. 

2. The currently offered GSPA courses in English are displayed in bold font.

3. You should check the availability of the subjects you want to enroll in each semester  at